It is that time of the year again. The Advent of Code started December first and lasts 25 days. Every day new programming puzzle appears - it consists of 2 related parts, with second one available only after solving the first one. Daily puzzles are all part of the big story but can be done separately.
There is a leaderboard that shows top people that managed to provide the answers for those puzzles - most of those speedrunners are insanely skilled

It is possible to create a private leaderboard for friends to track each other progress and whatnot, unfortunately 1 person can create only 1 such board and mine is already full with colleagues and stuff, but if someone here does AoC and creates Deadnet Board we can all join!
The puzzles themselves can be implemented in any programming language (people do a lot of esoteric stuff!), some even do them in `awk`! The computing resources required for them are also shouldn't be big, I thought about resorting to do this year on my decrepit Windows XP machine, but have to utilize modern C++ to better prepare for the upcoming interviews and so postponed the idea for later.