Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Gopher information and shenanigans.
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Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Post by tekk »

Weird that we all like gopher so much but nobody's posted in here.

Today I released version 1.3 (really more 1.2.1 I guess) of Teeny Tiny Gopher Server, which is what powers my gopher hole.

You can grab it here: gopher://tekk.in/1/ttgs/

At <500 lines of C and a few hundreds of kb in memory usage I think it's the smallest and lightest gopher server out there right now.
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Re: Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Post by tekk »

We're now up to 1.4 which notably adds image support after my Japan trip. I also made it so that you do

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make HOST=yourdomain.com 
so that you don't *have* to edit config.h, but that was 1.3.2

Still right around 400 loc :D
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Re: Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Post by matto »


I got it running on a BeagleBone Black, running on (old) FreeBSD 12.4.

Buld it with

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 cc -DGOPHER_HOST='"localhost"' ttgs.c
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Re: Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Post by tekk »

The makefile ought to have worked fine on FreeBSD, it wants bsdmake.

Has it worked well for you?
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Re: Teeny Tiny Gopher Server

Post by matto »

I can confrm that the make command works fine, on the FreeBSD BeagleBone Black..

No problems there :)
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