Hi. I am new to this community, but I have been following the OCC since the start. I have not participated myself, but I have been eagerly following the participants' blog posts in previous years. This time, I am planning to take part myself. Mainly because the rules are so simple this year that it makes it easier for me to participate. I do not have any special hardware laying around, but I have a couple of old Thinkpads (who doesn't?). The oldest one I have is a T60, but I am using that one for something specific so I don't feel like ruining this installation. Instead, I will use my second oldest laptop - T61. Mine dates back to 2008 and the specs are as follows:
- Intel Core 2 Duo T7250 at 2.00GHz
I am not very skilled in terminal use, but I am hoping this challenge will take me further into my quest to become more skilled at this.
I decided to go a "boring" route of installing FreeBSD. Only text. No X. So far, I have just installed tmux, lynx, and links2 browsers.
Phone-wise, this will not be a big challenge. For work, I have to use an iPhone, but I turn it off when logging off, and I privately use an old Nokia 800 Tough. I love this brick of a phone. Not a smartphone, but more than 40 days of standby time. I have two SIM cards with two different mobile service providers to get as much coverage as possible because I spend a lot of my spare time hiking and backpacking in pretty remote areas with limited coverage.
I have been wanting to look into Gopher and Gemini, so maybe this will be the thing that helps me learn more about this as well?
I have no social media presence at all. Does not interest me.
I have not used IRC for many, many years. I prefer asynchronous communication like forums. I tried doing some IRC last winter, but I found it annoying. Maybe I will try again.
Anyways, I will be looking forward to participating this year instead of just reading about it. I hope I will learn a lot in the terminal.